Goal Setting to Success Course: Life Planning

Creating and accomplish exciting goals for your career, your health, your business and your life

Learn Offline from a Certified Life Coach


Enroll For This Course 1Weeks Course

What you’ll learn

  • Gain a Grounded Understanding of Who You Are
  • Understand Your Core Intelligence Preferences
  • Discover all the Crucial Factors for Successful Goal Setting
  • Define all of your Long-Term, Milestone, and Short-Term Goals
  • Develop the Relevant Skills Required for Effective Action Planning
  • Follow Goal Setting guidelines designed for achievement and success
  • Understand Why S.M.A.R.T. Goal Setting Just Doesn’t Quite ‘Cut It’
  • Learn How to Achieve Greater Life Balance Throughout your Full Range of Life Area’s
  • Understand that increased productivity is not the result of working longer hours, but the result of making better decisions about utilising your time.


Do you want to empower your clients to LIVE THEIR DREAMS, REACH THEIR POTENTIAL, and ACHIEVE THEIR GOALS?

Goal setting is a comprehensive planning process that will help you to clearly identify what you want to achieve throughout your priority life areas; including your career, relationships, finances, health, personal development and your degree of contribution back into the world.

Everyone talks about creating goals, but often these goals are impromptu New Years’ resolutions, empty promises, or simply good intentions without any thought or planning.

No more! In this course, you’ll walk through the process of defining exactly what you want and then you’ll discover and document the exact work it will take to create the goal. This seminar clearly defines how to make goals an actuality in your life.

Upon completion of the course, you’ll have created a comprehensive life plan for your immediate and long term futures, with genuine confidence in your ability to determine and design how the rest of your life goes.



All the courses will be in our Training center at Ikeja and Ikorodu Lagos. You will have option to choose center after payment